Every day we are on the receiving end of stories. The reason why we like hearing people’s stories so much is that you get to see the world through other people’s experiences. Seeing through other people’s perspectives makes the world a smaller place and brings us closer to one another. When people are willing to tell their stories for the benefit of others and make themselves vulnerable in that act of sharing, we all become more connected. We care more, and hopefully that caring motivates us to do more.

A few things to know about Geoff and Rachel
Geoff Birmingham
(he, him, his)
- He got his MFA in film at Boston University and worked as a freelance editor at WGBH for Frontline, American Experience and NOVA.
- His goal is to travel to at least one interesting place each year.
- He’s a bit obsessed with playing soccer.
- He likes documentary films and HBO.
- He can play on his cello the opening theme to HBO’s Game of Thrones.
- Korean friends say that his homemade kimchi tastes pretty authentic.
Rachel Jellinek, President
(she, her, hers)
- She taught English in St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Prior to Reflection Films, she worked for a variety of nonprofits with missions tied to public health and education.
- She and her friend, Sarah Rogers, co-wrote a children’s book, which Sarah also illustrated.
- She has learned how to play several tunes on the harmonica, including “The Victors,” the University of Michigan’s fight song.