February 25, 2016 \ Emma Freter
Food Waste

Food Waste

"That was a good dinner! I am so full, I can barely finish my plate!" How many times have you said this phrase? I know that I've said this countless times. This got me thinking, when we throw away food, where does it go? How much food are we actually throwing away? This led me to our next Did You Know? video, which answers this questions about food waste.


February 18, 2016 \ Rachel Jellinek
Email Marketing Tips for Promoting Your Event

Email Marketing Tips for Promoting Your Event

I recently attended a presentation by Suzan Czajkowski, who shared some best practices when using email marketing to promote fundraising events. Simplify Email marketing is about keeping things simple and clear for your readers.  When sending out invitation and registration emails, make sure that the sign-up link is the most obvious content.  It should be above the scroll line. Reduce 66%...


February 11, 2016 \ Emma Freter
How you can use advertising tactics found in Super Bowl commercials to your benefit

How you can use advertising tactics found in Super Bowl commercials to your benefit

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy6gjkICKfk During Super Bowl 50, you may have seen that commercial.  Amongst all the flashy and even goofy commercials, this one made you step back and think.  NO MORE is a public awareness campaign aimed at ending domestic violence and sexual assault.  This advertisement was very effective.  How is this 30-second commercial so compelling? How can you use similar...


February 4, 2016 \ Rachel Jellinek
Tips from Tom Ahern on Writing for Digital Donor Communications

Tips from Tom Ahern on Writing for Digital Donor Communications

Tom Ahern was a recent guest speaker at Women in Development of Greater Boston, sharing tips on writing for digital donor communications. Here are three takeaways I thought were particularly interesting and useful: Using “we” is for public relations. Using “you” is for donor communications. You need to tell the donors that they are needed before they are primed to give. When communicating...


January 26, 2016 \ Emma Freter
Heart Disease Awareness

Heart Disease Awareness

  February is Heart Disease Awareness month. In light of this, we created another "Did You Know?" animation to offer a tip to help prevent this disease. And it begins with a smile.


January 22, 2016 \ Geoff Birmingham
The Role of Major Gifts in Fundraising

This is another installment of an interview we had with Abbie von Schlegell from last year. Here, she talks about how major gifts have become a key component of fundraising. Rachel: You've got annual gifts. You've got capital campaigns. Where do major gifts play a role in the spectrum of giving? Abbie: Major gifts in fundraising are usually larger gifts, specifically for a project or even...


January 13, 2016 \ Geoff Birmingham
4 Steps for Effective Video Pre-Production Scheduling

Just about everything in life requires a bit of pre-planning and scheduling, so it's no surprise that solid video pre-production for a film shoot is going to lead to better results. Many clients aren't sure how to best prepare for their filming days.  In the words of one, more scientifically-inclined client, it comes down to "filling out the matrix." A matrix is one accurate way to think of it, though...


January 5, 2016 \ Rachel Jellinek
Valuing Early Childhood Education and Educators

Through a video project with UMass Boston, I have come to learn a lot more about early childhood education and educators...much more than what I knew when I was researching places to take care of my son when he was 15 months old. What I have come to learn and understand is very disturbing to me, and I am guessing that it could also be shocking to many of you. Did you know that 37% of Massachusetts...


December 22, 2015 \ Rachel Jellinek
Heather McManamy – Making Memories Part 2

  Some of you may remember that around this time last year, Geoff and I had the bittersweet opportunity to record Heather McManamy on video.  She was a friend of my sister's, 34 years old with Stage 4 cancer.  She wanted us to capture messages and stories that would get shared with her 4-year-old daughter, Bri, as well as images of Heather, her husband, Jeff, and Bri all together. Sadly,...


December 17, 2015 \ Emma Freter
The Secret Sauce for Success

The Secret Sauce for Success

You can watch this video for one of two reasons: 1) to hear Rachel muse about how organizations differentiate themselves; or 2) answer the question Why the heck is she dressed up like Julia Child? Rachel: We’ve entered the holiday zone and I’m just whipping up some of my famous Indian pudding for the office party. This is also the time to reflect on the past year. We here at Reflection...
