July 8, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
Hiring a Cameraman vs. a Video Production Company

A gentleman came in to visit us today who is interested in getting some fundraising and marketing video for his organization.  One question he asked was:  "What am I getting when I hire a professional video production company that I might not get if I sought out a camera guy to shoot some footage for me?"  This is a very sensible question, and there’s no single answer, of course – cameramen...


March 1, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
The Video Production Process: How Does it Work?

I mentioned in an earlier post how most good video producers will have a process.  The process will vary from one producer to the next, of course, and it will also be dependent on the type of project. But let’s say you want to create a web marketing video, and you are working directly with a video production company (as opposed to hiring an ad agency or a communications firm to help with the video). ...


January 25, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
What Makes the Best Video Editor?

(Editor's film reels, Patrick Gallo) “What’s the definition of great editing?” is a question we get asked with some regularity.  It’s not as obvious as, say, identifying beautiful camera work.  And it also depends what kind of video you are talking about.  A documentary-style editor is probably going to have a different skill set than someone who works on commercial spots. Since our promotional...


December 16, 2010 \ Geoff Birmingham
Video Editing – There’s More There Than Meets the Eye!

Almost every time a client comes into our studio to collaborate with us during the editing process, they have two comments.  First: “Gosh, this is fun!”  Second: “Man, this takes a lot of work!” Both are true. Many people might guess that the actual production, or filming, of a video is where most time and money is spent.  Depending on the type of video, this certainly could be true. More...
