May 9, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
MIT’s Tim the Beaver as Willy Wonka

This video for MIT's admissions office was one of the more fun projects we've had the chance to work on.  Inspired by the song, Pure Imagination, from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Tim the Beaver leads newly-accepted students on a tour of the wonderful world that is MIT. The music was scored and performed entirely by MIT students. The highlight for us was filming the student actors do Athena...


May 3, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
Protecting and backing up your files

When it comes to protecting our clients' video, we are somewhat paranoid. We back video files up, distribute the various drives to multiple locations, and then deliver a drive to clients for added security.  And we tell them to back up their drive.  So, in the end, the master video files might be scattered across 4-5 different places. Yesterday, we attended a workshop at Rule to get more suggestions...


April 3, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
Video production: getting the most bang for your buck

Video production: getting the most bang for your buck

In a previous post, Rachel spoke about the role of the client in the messaging and storyboarding phase of the video production process. This is the second in our four-part series of videos. Once you have those elements locked down and are moving closer to your filming day, investing a little time in scheduling for your shoot helps ensure that you'll be capturing as much content as possible (and...


March 28, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
Online video should be short, short, short

We had lunch with our friend Adam from Wistia today. Wistia is a video hosting service that provides some seriously good analytics to help their clients understand viewer engagement with their online videos. Adam and his fellow Wistia pals regularly make the case for keeping things short with online video. This time was no different. "Forgive me if I sound like I am lecturing," he mentioned at one point,...


March 15, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
A couple of cowboy movies

I'm sure it's the same in countries across the world, but I'm sometimes struck by what a diversity of cultures exists here in the U.S.  The immigrant populations certainly contribute to that, but I'm thinking of the differences from one geographic region to the next. While watching two documentaries recently, Buck and Rank, I kept thinking: "Wow, those cowboys look basically like me (white and Anglo,...


March 2, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
Video Production: Less is more and storyboarding

The success of video production lies mostly with the skill of the producer, but client collaboration is often a very important factor that affects the outcome. This is because you can rarely hire a video production company and then just set them on their merry way to make your video - the client usually needs to participate in the process to ensure the right messaging, help coordinate logistics, act as a liaison...


February 29, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
Saving on video production costs – skip the producer?

We are always trying to help our clients save a buck.  One way to do this is to employ a smaller crew during filming. So, on occasion, we will just send out our camera guy and sound person to film with the client, without me there as producer. (In the video world, the "producer" is equivalent to the "director" for a film.) The two of them have enjoyed that - "Guess you're unnecessary, eh Geoff?" This...


February 27, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
The devil is in the details – that’s no different for video production

Rachel was talking a few days ago with a marketer who mentioned to her that he often finds himself having to explain his work process to clients to help them understand that, regardless of how straightforward a particular project might seem, there's usually a good deal of effort required to deliver an outstanding final product. This resonated with us because it's a situation we often find ourselves...


February 12, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
MIT Admissions Video

We have been working on a couple of different video production projects for MIT's admissions office, and the first of the videos was posted to their site earlier this week. In our pre-production conversations with the admissions folks, one of the things they made clear was that they wanted the video to really focus on debunking misperceptions of MIT, versus extolling what the Institute offers.  In...


January 27, 2012 \ Geoff Birmingham
Video production made easy

Okay.  Misleading title. Anyone who tells you that shouldn't be trusted, like the folks who promise that you can lose weight while sleeping. But we got to thinking a little about this because our friends over at Wistia invited us and others to submit a video to help debunk a perception that video production equals headaches and hassle. Over time, we have had a number of conversations with clients...
