January 18, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
Producing Video, Stress-Free

We had a recent conversation with a client of ours who was clearly feeling a bit frazzled.  His boss had assigned him to be the video point person for the organization, and his basic problem was too little time and too many things to do.  He put on a brave face, but he probably wished he didn’t have this responsibility. If you are considering a video project for yourself, but the idea gives you similar...


January 13, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
Video SEO, Part II

So I’ve begun reading a rather informative book, YouTube and Video Marketing, by Greg Jarboe, and for those interested in video optimization, I just came across a small section that I thought I’d pass along. Actually, it makes sense to start with a couple of definitions, according to Jarboe: Video SEO: optimizing video for Google Video and other video search engines. YouTube optimization: optimizing...


January 11, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
Restrepo: seeing the war in Afghanistan up close

Restrepo is a documentary film that all non-military civilians ought to see.  We often hear commentary about the divide that exists between those serving and those who don’t; we civilians cannot understand the experience of soldiers serving in America’s recent wars, nor can they explain it.  A 90-minute film can’t fully depict the life of a soldier in Afghanistan, of course, but watching...


January 6, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
Can I Hire a Video Production Crew for an Hour?

Here’s a practical note that might be of value to some folks out there.  It’s not unusual that a client or prospective client will have a short event that they want captured, and they ask us about the feasibility of filming for a couple of hours.  Our answer is always that it’s feasible, but if they want our help for that short time, they aren’t taking full advantage of our services. Not...


January 4, 2011 \ Geoff Birmingham
A Video to Make You Smile

Over the holiday break, I used a bit of quiet time to catch up on some office organization, which included archiving video footage from a number of different projects. While doing that, I happened to come across some outtakes with one client that made me laugh. Reflecting on this a bit, I realized that basically all of our clients have been a lot of fun, which is why we enjoy working with them...


December 30, 2010 \ Geoff Birmingham
How a Video Production Crew Functions

I talked a little before about the difference between hiring a single videographer for video production rather than a crew. I must admit that I can’t speak with total knowledge about the benefits of hiring a single videographer because we typically send a crew of three people on our shoots – a producer, a cameraman, and a sound person.  And on some occasions it’s a bit larger with a make-up...


December 28, 2010 \ Geoff Birmingham
Optimizing video for websites (video SEO)

In a time, not that long ago, Reflection Films’ website was a thing of absolute neglect.  No need to get into all the ugly details, but it’s worth mentioning that we absolutely dropped the ball with our website’s SEO. In addition to getting the help from the fine folks at Flyte New Media, we’re also learning a lot on our own.  For those of you who might be interested, we thought we would...


December 23, 2010 \ Geoff Birmingham
10 Documentaries Worth Seeing

I’m rather bad at remembering much beyond what happened yesterday.  Recently, I was trying to remember that “really great mountain movie with the British guys.”  With a little Googling, my memory was jogged and I realized it was Touching the Void. For the heck of it, I did a little exercise and made a list of some of the other documentaries we’ve found very worthwhile.  Rather than overwhelm...


December 21, 2010 \ Geoff Birmingham
How Much Does Video Cost? Part II

In an earlier post, we mentioned a conversation we had with a fundraising consultant about the wide discrepancy in video production costs she gets from production companies.  We recently were one of three companies speaking to an organization about producing a series of marketing videos, requiring ten days of filming. When we spoke to the marketing director, she explained to us that she had received...


December 16, 2010 \ Geoff Birmingham
Video Editing – There’s More There Than Meets the Eye!

Almost every time a client comes into our studio to collaborate with us during the editing process, they have two comments.  First: “Gosh, this is fun!”  Second: “Man, this takes a lot of work!” Both are true. Many people might guess that the actual production, or filming, of a video is where most time and money is spent.  Depending on the type of video, this certainly could be true. More...
